The Mother
What’s the matter, sexy, want a lift? Why are you standing on the street trembling baby?
Get in the back seat of my bike and hug me.
Finished looking at the boy in fear.
Brown hair, blue sunglasses, earrings …
The boy is licking his own lips with his tongue.
And in an ugly voice he says, come on honey, the signal will go green right now.
Looking at the red signal, he tried to cross the road again. This happened three times. Standing on the other side of the road, he saw the signal turn red. Every time I tried my best to cross the road, I couldn’t do anything. Seeing the moving condition of the car on the other side, he was going to stop.
The boy said again, come on baby …
At the end, the directional knowledge became empty and he ran in the opposite direction again. Panting, the house bell rang.
He knows his mother will not be there now, she has gone out of school. Tapasipci opened the door and said, if you can not go to college today?
If you earn college in this way, how will you study Sami?
Even then he was panting, trembling, he said, I could not cross the road. Stopping on one side and moving on the other …
The horn of the car, the sound of crushing the wheels … Oops.
Tapsipcis said, but you took that taxi?
Yes, the taxi dropped me off at the college. On the other hand, I could not say one way, and I could not cross the road at all.
Tears in the eyes of the finisher.
Tapsipcisi wiped his eyes with his hand and said, you could not cross my hand the day after tomorrow. I had to come back at the end.
The ending said in a broken voice, I can’t. I will never go out on the street again.
It just seems like a lot of cars are coming to push me.
He closed his eyes with both hands. Tapsipcis put his hand on his head and said, let’s go for a few more days, everything will be fine.
The end almost shouted and said, will it be ok Tapsipcis? Dad will come back?
Or will my mother stop blaming me?
After all the accident happened on my scooter. If I hadn’t gone to Dad’s office that day, maybe nothing would have happened.
Tapsipcis said in a consolation tone, Sami doesn’t have to say those things every day. It’s been almost a month since my grandfather died, Baudimani has joined the school, but you can’t do college or tuition at all, this time your final exam, the result will be bad!
Without saying hello, he said in a low voice, “I can’t do it anymore.”
Why didn’t I see the crossing that day?
Why did I have to kill my father?
If I had died that day, I would not have had to suffer this.
Tears came to Tapasi’s eyes when she saw the tears in her eyes.
Baudimani said to the girl with her lap, you have to handle it for twenty four hours, can you? You don’t have to earn, you have to stay here. We have a daughter, we just have to take care of the girl.
Tapasi was just childless then. Her five-month-old baby died in her womb. The doctors said that if she took the baby, she would die. Her husband Subal is not doing well. Then he heard whispers again that Subal had set up a separate family. When Tapasi asked, Subal said, men have a little bit of that.
Tapasi was saying with a smirk on her face, don’t put rice in your stomach, again two worlds of male people! In the face of such a world.
After the child was lost, she went out in search of work and got the job of taking care of the child at Ranjana Baudimani’s house. That’s when he thought he would never return to Subal’s family. She forgot the pain of losing her family, husband and unborn child with the touch of a young hand. Soft, young hands wrapped around him.
That touch gave her a taste of motherhood.
From that day onwards, she became a mother, not a nanny. Ranjana Baudi’s school job, how much time he could give to his daughter by managing the work of his own NGO. With less time with his mother, he grabbed Tapasi from the very beginning. Tapasi is the only one who understands everything. What does he do when he is hungry, what is his expression if he is upset? What a happy smile! Tapasi understands everything.
He didn’t study much, so he couldn’t sit down to teach Sami, but when he woke up at night before high school, Tapasi would sit next to him and wake up quietly at night. Sami used to say, Tapasipcis, you go and lie down. Yet the ascetic would say with wide eyes, no, I will sleep with you, if you are alone at night if you are afraid.
He used to laugh at the end and said, sometimes you want to call me mother!
Tapasi used to say in her sleepy voice, even if you don’t call me mother, I am your mother. Now read this.
The end would stare and say, Tapasipcis, why do you love me so much?
My mom forgets the date of my birthday, but how do you remember everything?
Tapasi used to press her finger on her face and say, there is no such thing. The mother is the mother.
Baudi is a man of five jobs, so maybe you can’t remember.
The ending was a tired laugh, and Dad?
Dad also forgets.
Tapasi used to say angrily, who said forget?
Dadababu told me in the middle of the night, tomorrow is Samir’s birthday, Tapasi should cook all his favorite food at home.
Mucchi laughed and said the end, and how many lies will you tell Tapasipcis? My father did not return home last night. He told his mother on the phone that he was going to Bangalore on a sudden tour without any preparation.
Tapasi used to cut his tongue and say, don’t ask so many questions.
Everyone remembers your birthday.
From a very young age, he understood the end, if his arms and legs were cut off, if he had to make a deposit, he had to go to Tapsipc. Whenever I talked to my mother, she would say angrily, “Tapasi … where are you? Look, something has happened to Samir. I’m looking at the school exam book, this time is also annoying.
The ending was known from a very young age, and it just annoyed the parents.
As soon as he entered his father’s house, he would say, what do you want Sami? If there is any problem, tell Tapasi, the baby.
You’re a good girl.
The ending couldn’t tell anyone, he didn’t want anything, he just wanted a little touch from his father and mother, a little caress. In the end, he understood that even if he wanted to caress, Tapasipci would give it instead of his parents.
I never had to ask for the end from Tapsipc. Dad, as soon as he got out of his mother’s house, Tapasipcis waited to protect him with all his might to get a hand on the door frame.
He used to say softly, they are doing important work, so … if not, but they both love you very much.
The man who was always busy to fill the gap of love between the two of them seemed to be the closest to the end.
Even all the secrets of adolescence were told to the end tapasipcikei. She went to the park in the afternoon before the annual exam of class six and her frock was soaked in red blood.
The end was haunted by fear.
Back home he hugged his mother. Her panicked mind was looking for a little shelter.
Mother said fondly, go to the bathroom with Tapsi, she will tell you what to do.
Mom you go ….
By that time, Tapasi … was called mother.
Tapasi PCE was the first to say, it will be every month. It is not a disease. She has become a woman from a girl. This bloodshed every month will prove the story of the struggle of girls’ lives.
The story of girls becoming mothers.
The end was shocking and said, Tapasipcis you do not?
Tapasi shook her head and said everything is, all is a girl.
Tapasi paused to answer the second question of the conclusion.
He asked, then why no one calls you mother? Why do I call it PC?
Tapasipcis said in a sobbing voice that God does not allow all women to be mothers.
The ending wisely said, would God be angry if I called you mother?
Tapsipcis gently wiped away the tears, saying your mother would be angry.
He also learned how to handle periods from Tapsipcis.
The end of the first love letter showed her best Priyanka. After the school holidays, the two of them sat on the last bench of class ten and shook hands with the first love letter. Where the boy wrote a couple of times, he is in love with the ending.
That first love word began to get embarrassing the ending. Priyanka said, she knows the boy!
Soornil Basu of Class Twelve.
From then on, before school holidays and before the start, he used to meet Sauranil. Shame could have touched the end.
Just seven days later, while standing on the balcony of their flat and tying the finishing hair, Tapasipisi said, “How is the blue boy?”
Do you love him
The ending was shocking. Priyanka said, Dekhis Aunty will understand the relationship between you and Sournil. No, mother did not understand anything. But the news of the fluctuation of his mind was received by Tapsipcis.
He hugged her and said, I don’t know how to study, that’s a little bit. My husband is missing, I can stay in this house for you. I have found peace of mind. Don’t do anything so that your father and mother pack me up and take me out of this house and say, Tapasi, our daughter’s result is bad for you, so you change your address this time.
That first ending made sense, he was a human shelter. There is a poor man looking at his face. That keeps all the news in his mind. If Tapsipcis leaves this place, the end will also be destitute.
The ending said softly, but I love Sournilke Tapsipcis!
“Love is not to blame, but it should not harm your studies,” Tapsipcis said coldly.
The conclusion was in a calm voice, as long as I stay in this house, you will stay in this house as long as Tapasipcis. I’m very lonely without you.
The end was introduced by Tapsipc with Sauranil. Then he was a student of Class Twelve and Soornil College.
Sournil went to bow to Tapsipc with his hands and feet. Tapasipcis took both hands and said, Thak Baba, I am not worthy of prostration.
Soornil surprised the ending by saying, you are not exactly the biological mother of the ending, but the real mother of the ending. Mothers do not need qualifications. Tapsipcis’s eyes were flooded with tears, and Sampati loved the sun even more.
Back home, Tapsipcis said, Moran, a crazy lover of a crazy girl is getting together. In front of a market man, he bowed with his hands and feet.
Just as Tapsipcis could understand the language of the eyes of the finisher, the meaning of the sudden coming of the salty water of Tapsipcis was also quite understood that day. This is probably what is called tears of joy in literature.
The bigger the ending, the greater the distance with parents. One weird understanding. Instead of paying all the expenses for her education and luxury, they have to brighten their face in society with good results. After the high school result, I heard my mother say on the phone, yes, I have realized that Sami has got my merit so far. Listening to the father again, yes, my daughter has been as brilliant as I am.
Finishing by pressing the face. When a little girl grows up hiding her pride, changing her tears into a smile, she doesn’t know that her parents, or she, got their merit!
Sournil says I am here to love you, I will love you one sky, I will walk one earth together.
The ending is flooded with emotion, the suffering is covered.
I don’t even understand how many good results can be obtained if a woman gets a number.
He was very nervous that day and said, I saw your Sami talking to a boy on the way back from tuition.
Today I heard in the bag, my Sami Uchchmadhyamike first go!
He sat down on the bed and put his hand on his headHe said, what did you do this tapasipcis?
I have passed all the subjects by getting letters and stars. What is the word of mouth to be first?
Why are you calling people wrong?
People will make fun of me!
Tapsipcis immediately said, that is, getting a star is the same as being first.
What is the difference between First and Star?
This pride of Tapsipc has repeatedly put him in danger. Solar is restless when he hears it. When I saw the end for a long time, I was angry that it was the first girl.
At the end of the day, once the tapasipcis know that you are doing my legpool, but will come straight to your college and insult you.
Solar smiled and said, “You can do it, your tapaspc can do everything for you.”
Really, TapCPC can do everything for him. He can also buy the kurti of his choice from his own money.
PC had gone to bed without eating at night due to the end. In the end, to break the anger of PC, to show the kurti given by him in the middle of the night, a smile appeared on his face. He said, if adults give something, there is no need to talk, you have to rejoice.
What happened, are you still sitting with your hands in your eyes? Sambit was back to the end in the words of Tapsipc. How many years old memories had invaded his mind. There were so many sweet events for him. There were also tools to sweeten today’s bitter air in an instant. But still the end is not normal. The morning of the day of the accident is repeatedly dragging him through the crowded, busy streets.
Where his father fell from the scooter. In a moment it was all over.
Nothing happened except breaking one leg of the finish.
Soornil is out now, studying for an MBA. Yet Rose keeps saying only one thing on the phone, the ending, the accident happens this way, without a plan, all of a sudden. That is why his name is Accident. So stop blaming yourself. Come back to normal life. The end just listened to him. But could not forget the bloody morning of that day.
Solar came to Kolkata last week. As soon as he came to meet the end. It was the end of going out on the street with Tapsipc, but at the crossroads
Seeing the speeding car, he sat down on the sidewalk. Even though Tapsipcis pulled him by the hand, he could not cross the road at all. It just felt like a lorry was coming again, just as it had that day. The cars didn’t stop at all, so the crossing didn’t end. At last the solar came near their house.
After trying for ten minutes, the ending could not be as normal as before. He didn’t even hit the solar bike anymore. Forced, Sournil said without a hull, I want my previous ending back. Please …
Tapsipcis stood a little farther away. Putting his hand on Sauranil’s shoulder, Tapsipcis said, “You will come back next time and get back to your previous end, I promised.”
Sournil has returned with a book of frustration. Even then many days passed. Nothing can return to the end of the previous life. That accident is keeping him awake all night long. Bleeding is constantly going on in the chest. And the worst thing about him is that he can’t cross the road at all.
That tragic morning is floating in front of my eyes again and again. The morning started like any other five days. Dad was sitting in front of the TV reading the newspaper and listening to the news on the TV. Mom was busy exercising to get yoga mats as usual. TapCPC was making breakfast in the kitchen. I woke up a little late. There was no rush to go to college. Decided not to do the first period. Moreover, he talked to Sournil on WhatsApp till night. Mother can’t sleep at night because she is sleeping in the next room. WhatsApp is essentially trust. However, it does not feel bad to finish. Word for word; When typing up, the way to the end, now what to say solar! This thought takes a bit of a sweet ending. Sometimes the lips tremble at the words of the sun, sometimes the cheeks turn red. Breathing sometimes becomes heavy.
The end of falling asleep in the caress of black letters. He used to wake up in the morning and open the window in the morning and start his new day by sending good morning.
Even that day he was sitting in the drawing with sleepy eyes,
Suddenly my father said, Sami, I have not seen how you ride a scooter. After the high school result, my father gave him the scooter as a gift. Since then the closing bus-train press has almost stopped. He travels everywhere with his silver scooter. Even the solar blue was forced to end. Solar laughed and said, do you drive, or do you fly? From that day on, my father wanted to finish, and at least one day to push my mother on a scooter. Tapsipcis has pressed many times. Whenever there is a need in the market, Tapsipcis says, “Wherever you take out your peacock, I have to go to the vegetable market.”
Why have a driver at home and auto, Toto pressed!
The end has also reached Tapsipc. Tapasipcis tightened his waist and said, don’t drive slowly, Bapu. The mother also reached the school one day. Mother sat back and said, don’t look at Felis. If you break a bone in old age, it will not be right anymore. But my father has not pressed me till today. Because my father goes to the office on four wheels. So he did not have the good fortune to push the small vehicle to the end.
As soon as I entered the drawing room, my father said, can Sami deliver me to the office on time today? And the car is in the garage. If you don’t have time, I’ll call Uber.
Sami said in his hand as if he was getting the moon in the sky, you press my bike once, it will feel like I have hit the horse. Dad smiled sweetly and said, how did you grow up.
The ending was very happy that day. His father and mother were always inhabitants of another planet. You can catch them if you want Not at all. Daddy would have touched him so much today, he would have told stories … I went to the bathroom thinking about all this. Ready to go out and told Tapsipcis, let me eat early, Daddy will be late. Mom said as she left, go carefully. This is what my mother says every day.
Dad was sitting on the back of the finishing scooter after the suit tie that day. Happiness in the world seemed to be spent little by little in the hands of the stingy end. Dad hold me but. After a long time, my father put his hand on her shoulder again and said, crazy. I heard the end of my father’s call for help through my helmet. Then all is dark. Only my father’s cries came to my ears. And I remember a big lorry that ran towards them. The signal was red or green, but I couldn’t remember the end. I don’t remember anything else. When he regained consciousness, he saw her lying in a hospital bed, in excruciating pain in her legs. Tears in mother’s eyes. Tapasipci haumau said, if the same defeat go! The ending just said, where is the father?
It took me a while to realize that Dad was gone. Understood when the mother said in a cold voice, did not stop you to kill your father like this? Dad believed you! Finishing looked at his mother. From that day till today, my mother has a strong idea .. The accident happened because of her rough driving. So the responsibility of losing his father still remains on his shoulders. So lately, the end of the busy road is not able to walk at all. An unknown fear inside the chest is strangely suppressed. He is making all his energy useless.
Going to the lawn? Come with me, sit at home and don’t think the same thoughts ….
TapCPC is going to the lawn, with a bowl of food in hand. This is one of his nature, very good to feed birds, cats, dogs on the bus. Dogs and cats move their tails whenever they see him. Some even know the ending again. He also enjoys watching them eat their naughty food, but now he doesn’t like anything anymore.
Finishing his face with both hands, he said, I will not go anywhere Tapasipcis, you go.
Tapsipcis turned his hand on his head and said, call Solar, talk to him. The ending said with bored eyes, you know our relationship will probably not exist anymore!
Why would a mental patient like me love solar? I do not want to end his life like this. I will tell Solar to live like himself. Tapsipcis stopped and said, don’t say wrong. Tomorrow you will go to college, I will go with you. Let’s see if you can!
At the end, he laughed loosely and said, “You don’t have everything in your hands. So leave some to fate. TapCPC went ahead without saying anything …
There was very little talk of ending with my mother, lately it has become less. In the evening my mother suddenly said, you are not going to college, tuition?
Final exam ahead, if you can not get good results in honors. SC cannot be admitted. If you don’t make me small to my colleagues, you won’t work! Dad left like this, then you started again?
My mother has adapted to the situation, but she can’t finish it at all.
Suddenly Tapsipcis said, he will go to college from tomorrow.
Mother looked away and said, you can’t push the bike, get on the bus. I decided to sell the car after your father left. End here silent listener. He really has nothing to say.
He doesn’t want to pick up the solar phone, he doesn’t like to talk to his friends. Neither Tapsipcis nor his mother knows, and he has repeatedly tried to cross the street to cross the street to the well-known restaurant on the other side, whose mutton kabiraji is his favorite. I used to go back to the college for almost a day. The taste of Kabiraji was called by his hands but he stopped at the sound of vehicles. Waiting for the cars to stop, but the cars on both sides did not stop at all. So he could not reach. The signal on one side is red, the green on the other side … the end is back.
TapCPC is ready in the morning. He said with a big bag in his hand, I will take you to college and return to the market. It is necessary to rise again in a new endeavor.
Mother left a while ago. When he left, he said, “Please don’t lose respect.” Remember that front exam. If he wants to give the exam, he has to go to college and tuition. We have to start again by filling the absence of these days.
At the end he came out and said, you don’t have to go, Tapsipcis, I’ll just go.
Tapsipciso smiled softly and said, I will go today, you will go alone from tomorrow.
The end is standing on the side of the road, the loud sound of one car after another.
Tapsipcis said, now go …
Bicycles, bikes, car wheels stopped without any reason …
Vehicles on both sides are stopped, Tapsipcis said, run and cross.
Tapasipcis yanked.
Finally about a month later the black paved vehicle filled road parole ended. At Perotei, everyone started walking again.
He looked at it with strange eyes and said, “Tell me what happened?” Why did they suddenly stop for us?
And don’t be late, getting in the taxi didn’t diminish the curiosity.
Going down in front of the college, the moving road stopped in the same way. The road was crossed again at the end. Standing on the other side, Tapsipcis was smiling, tears were glistening in his eyes. He shouted, “You did it!”
The end seemed to come back to life after a long time seeing the faces inside the familiar campus. All the friends surrounded him and expressed excitement and said, you were not there, as if everything was at a standstill.
When he returned home, he saw Tapasipcis standing in front of the college.
The end said in surprise, why did you come to bother? I could.
Tapsipcis laughed and said, I know you could. Still wish I came to say low.
Crossing the finish line, cars on both sides miraculously stopped again. Everything went the same way after he passed away.
Day two Tapsipcisio was going with him.
At the end he said, please go alone.
Tapsipcis said in a slightly serious voice, but the car will not stop today, can you cross alone?
The matter is also a surprise to the end. Why do cars stop? Does TapsipC know everything?
Asking the end, he said, if Rose Rose doesn’t stop, then I asked her how to cross it and what else.
This means that the hadith of this mystery will not end at all!
The ending said in a sweet voice, then you go today.
At the end of the crossroads, he looked back and saw Raghu, the favorite cat of Tapsipcis, coming out of the big bag. Tapasi PC calls him by that name. The skin color is black, a medium looking cat. No one in the complex likes Raghu, they say, or misfortune, the black cat makes the journey worse. I have seen my father many times, this cat would stop the wheel of the car as soon as he crossed the road. Someone else was waiting in the inner courtyard of the flat until Perono. Everyone in the complex is upset over Raghu. Tapasipcie secretly feeds him every day. So maybe Raghu is still in their complex.
Traffic is coming to a halt at Raghu Perotei, and Tapsipcis is crossing the road at the end of that opportunity. There was so much excitement about the ending that he didn’t understand.
After crossing the road, Raghu is coming back in the big bag. Raghu is accustomed to the wink of Tapsipc’s eyes.
Even today, in the same way, everything came to a halt in Raghu Perotti. Tapsipcis shouted, Sami … get over …
The finishing smile was smiling.
As soon as Raghu passed, the vehicle became normal within two seconds. Despair in the eyes of Tapsipc ..
The end merged with that moving life and crossed the busy road. Going to the other side, he waved his hand and said, take Raghu home.
He said softly, why did I call you PC without calling you mother from a young age!
From a distance he saw Tapasipcis wiping his eyes with his handkerchief and calling to God with folded hands, Raghu standing at his feet with his head bowed.
As he joined the crowd, he said indistinctly, “Mother …