Concurrent PGP in JavaScript using kbpgp.js

Sayan Mondal
11 min readOct 3, 2020


Photo by Shahadat Rahman on Unsplash

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is an encryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. PGP is used for signing, encrypting, and decrypting texts, e-mails, files, directories, and whole disk partitions and to increase the security of e-mail communications.kbpgp is Keybase’s implementation of PGP in JavaScript. It’s easy to use, designed for concurrency, and stable in both Node.js and the browser. It’s actively maintained and yours forever under a BSD license.

Getting it

Zip file (for the browser)

For Node.js with NPM

npm install kbpgp

Source from github

git clone

Getting started


<script src="kbpgp-2.1.0.js"></script>


var kbpgp = require('kbpgp');


Before you can perform any crypto, you need a KeyManager.

A KeyManager contains a public key and possibly the secret key and subkeys for a given person. Once you have a KeyManager instance, you can perform actions with the keys inside. For a sign-and-encrypt action, you’ll need two KeyManagers: one containing the private key (for the signer), and one containing the public key (for the recipient).

For example, assuming we have two KeyManager instances, alice and chuck, we might perform an encryption.

var params = {
encrypt_for: chuck,
sign_with: alice,
msg: "Hey Chuck - my bitcoin address is 1alice12345234..."
};, function(err, result_string, result_buffer) {
console.log(err, result_string, result_buffer);

kbpgp’s box function performs all the work. Note that it calls back with both a string and a Buffer representation. The Buffer is either a Node.js Buffer or, a browser-friendly object with similar features.

Pretty simple, right? So, how do you get a KeyManager? There are 2 ways:

  • Loading a key or key pair
  • Generating a new key pair


Loading from a public or private key

The following examples walk through the conversion of a PGP key string (in classic armored format) to a KeyManager.

Example 1 — a KeyManager from a public key

var alice_pgp_key = "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC ... etc.";kbpgp.KeyManager.import_from_armored_pgp({
armored: alice_pgp_key
}, function(err, alice) {
if (!err) {
console.log("alice is loaded");

Example 2 — a KeyManager from a private key

Now let’s assume instead that we have alice’s private key. Recall this includes her public key, so it’s all we need.

var alice_pgp_key    = "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE ... etc.";
var alice_passphrase = "martian-dung-flinger";
armored: alice_pgp_key
}, function(err, alice) {
if (!err) {
if (alice.is_pgp_locked()) {
passphrase: alice_passphrase
}, function(err) {
if (!err) {
console.log("Loaded private key with passphrase");
} else {
console.log("Loaded private key w/o passphrase");

Example 3 — a KeyManager from a public key, then adding private key

The above example (#2) can be performed in two steps. You can create a KeyManager instance with alice’s public key, and then add her private key to it afterwards. This will generate an error if her private key does not match her public key.

var alice_public_key = "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC ... etc.";
var alice_private_key = "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE ... etc.";
var alice_passphrase = "ovarian fred savage ";
armored: alice_public_key
}, function(err, alice) {
if (!err) {
armored: alice_private_key
}, function(err) {
if (!err) {
if (alice.is_pgp_locked()) {
passphrase: alice_passphrase
}, function(err) {
if (!err) {
console.log("Loaded private key with passphrase");
} else {
console.log("Loaded private key w/o passphrase");

You can create a KeyManager and generate new keys in one swoop.

At the end of the below process, we’ll have a KeyManager instance, alice, which can be used for any crypto action.

Example 1 — RSA — with custom settings

To illustrate a common use case, we’ll generate subkeys for both signing and encryption. And, by the way, when kbpgp performs actions with KeyManagers, it automatically picks the appropriate subkey(s).

var F = kbpgp["const"].openpgp;var opts = {
userid: "User McTester (Born 1979) <>",
primary: {
nbits: 4096,
flags: F.certify_keys | F.sign_data | F.auth | F.encrypt_comm | F.encrypt_storage,
expire_in: 0 // never expire
subkeys: [
nbits: 2048,
flags: F.sign_data,
expire_in: 86400 * 365 * 8 // 8 years
}, {
nbits: 2048,
flags: F.encrypt_comm | F.encrypt_storage,
expire_in: 86400 * 365 * 8
kbpgp.KeyManager.generate(opts, function(err, alice) {
if (!err) {
// sign alice's subkeys
alice.sign({}, function(err) {
// export demo; dump the private with a passphrase
alice.export_pgp_private ({
passphrase: 'booyeah!'
}, function(err, pgp_private) {
console.log("private key: ", pgp_private);
alice.export_pgp_public({}, function(err, pgp_public) {
console.log("public key: ", pgp_public);

Example 2 — RSA — with sensible defaults

The above parameters are reasonable. If you’re happy with them, you can simply call the KeyManager::generate_rsa shortcut:

kbpgp.KeyManager.generate_rsa({ userid : "Bo Jackson <>" }, function(err, charlie) {
charlie.sign({}, function(err) {

Example 3 — ECC Keypairs — custom

Kbpgp has support for Elliptic Curve PGP (see RFC-6637 for more details). You can provide the ecc : true option to the above generate call to make an ECC key pair rather than the standard PGP keypair. Keep in mind, though, that most GPG clients in the wild do not currently support ECC.

var F = kbpgp["const"].openpgp;var opts = {
userid: "User McTester (Born 1979) <>",
ecc: true,
primary: {
nbits: 384,
flags: F.certify_keys | F.sign_data | F.auth | F.encrypt_comm | F.encrypt_storage,
expire_in: 0 // never expire
subkeys: [
nbits: 256,
flags: F.sign_data,
expire_in: 86400 * 365 * 8 // 8 years
}, {
nbits: 256,
flags: F.encrypt_comm | F.encrypt_storage,
expire_in: 86400 * 365 * 8
kbpgp.KeyManager.generate(opts, function(err, alice) {
// as before...

Example 4 — ECC Keypairs — with sensible defaults

To use these default parameters, we also provide the shortcut:

kbpgp.KeyManager.generate_ecc({ userid : "<>" }, function(err, charlie) {
charlie.sign({}, function(err) {


All kbpgp functions support passing an ASync Package (ASP) object, for monitoring. Your ASP can have a progress_hook function, which will get called with info about its progress. This is especially important with RSA key generation, as it can take a little while. If this is in any kind of client app, you'll want to (a) show some indicator that you're doing work, and (b) have a cancel button.

var my_asp = new kbpgp.ASP({
progress_hook: function(o) {
console.log("I was called with progress!", o);
var opts = {
asp: my_asp,
userid: "",
primary: {
nbits: 4096
subkeys: []
kbpgp.KeyManager.generate(opts, some_callback_function);


If you pass an ASP object, as described above, you can use it to cancel your process.

kbpgp.KeyManager.generate(opts, some_callback_function);// oh, heck, let's give up if it takes more than a second
setTimeout((function() {
}), 1000);

In the above example, if the generation has not completed within one second, work will halt and some_callback_function will immediately get called with err, null.

Encrypting and/or signing

Security for the masses

The steps to encrypt, sign, or both are all the same in kbpgp. The only difference is what KeyManagers you’ll need. To sign something, you’ll need a KeyManager containing a private key. And to encrypt something, you’ll need one containing the public key of the recipient. If your KeyManagers contain subkeys, kbpgp will automatically use the appropriate ones.

Example 1 — encrypt only

Assumption: we have a KeyManager instance, chuck, for the recipient.

var params = {
msg: "Chuck chucky, bo-bucky!",
encrypt_for: chuck
};, function(err, result_string, result_buffer) {
console.log(err, result_armored_string, result_raw_buffer);

Example 2 — sign only

Along the same lines, it’s easy to sign a cleartext message. Just provide a sign_with KeyManager but leave off the encrypt_for.

var params = {
msg: "Here is my manifesto",
sign_with: alice
}; (params, function(err, result_string, result_buffer) {
console.log(err, result_string, result_buffer);

Example 3 — sign+encrypt

Assumption: we also have a KeyManager instance, alice, for the sender.

var params = {
msg: "Chuck chucky, bo-bucky! This is Alice here!",
encrypt_for: chuck,
sign_with: alice
}; (params, function(err, result_string, result_buffer) {
console.log(err, result_string, result_buffer);

Example 4 — using input and output Buffers

kbpgp can take Node.js Buffers as input, instead of strings. The following reads a .png file and writes a new encrypted copy of it. For more info, check out the kbpgp buffers documentation.

var kbpgp  = require('kbpgp');
var fs = require('fs');
var buffer = fs.readFileSync('dirty_deeds.png');
var params = {
msg: buffer,
encrypt_for: chuck,
sign_with: alice
}; (params, function(err, result_string, result_buffer) {
fs.writeFileSync('dirty_deeds.encrypted', result_buffer);

Buffers are available in the browser, too, for doing HTML5 things with files. kbpgp.Buffer provides a browser-implementation that matches Node.js's.

Example 5 — progress hooks and canceling

Most kbpgp function can take a kbpgp.ASP object, which is used to monitor progress and check for cancelation requests.

var asp = new kbpgp.ASP({
progress_hook: function(info) {
console.log("progress...", info);
var params = {
msg: "a secret not worth waiting for",
encrypt_for: chuck,
asp: asp
};, function(err, result_string, result_buffer) {
console.log("Done!", err, result_string, result_buffer);
// sometime before it's done

Decrypting & verifying

Decrypting and verifying are slightly more complicated than encrypting or signing, because often, you don’t know ahead of time which KeyManagers are required. For PGP messages that are signed and encrypted, you only know which verification key is needed after a successful decryption. Also, messages in PGP can be encrypted for multiple receivers, and any given receiver might only have access to one of many possible decryption keys.

In kbpgp, the unbox function handles the nitty-gritty of decryption and verification. You need to pass it a PGP message (encrypted, signed or both), and also a way to fetch keys midstream --- a kbpgp.KeyFetcher object. You can use one of ours out-of-the-box or subclass your own (say, if you want to fetch keys from your server).

Out-of-the-Box: The KeyRing

The first example of a KeyFetcher we’ll consider is a KeyRing — — a object that you can load ahead of time with a bunch of KeyManagers.

var ring = new kbpgp.keyring.KeyRing();
var kms = [ alice, bob, charlie ];
for (var i in kms) {

For convenience, the KeyManager class also implements the KeyFetcher interface. If you know ahead of time that you'll only need one KeyManager in a decryption/verification, then you can use it as a KeyFetcher.

Decryption and Verification Example

Decrypt and verify via the unbox function. Pass the message, the KeyFetcher (like ring above), an ASP if you intend to cancel or monitor progress, and a callback to fire when done:

var ring = new kbpgp.keyring.KeyRing;
var kms = [alice, bob, charlie];
var pgp_msg = "---- BEGIN PGP MESSAGE ----- ....";
var asp = /* as in Encryption ... */;
for (var i in kms) {
kbpgp.unbox({keyfetch: ring, armored: pgp_msg, asp }, function(err, literals) {
if (err != null) {
return console.log("Problem: " + err);
} else {
console.log("decrypted message");
var ds = km = null;
ds = literals[0].get_data_signer();
if (ds) { km = ds.get_key_manager(); }
if (km) {
console.log("Signed by PGP fingerprint");

unbox calls back with two arguments: an Error if something went wrong, and an array of Literals if not. Literal objects support the toString(enc) and toBuffer() methods. The former call takes an optional parameter which is an encoding; if none is supplied, kbpgp will use the encoding specified in the PGP message; you can specify 'utf8', 'ascii', 'binary', 'base64' or 'hex' if you want to override that encoding.

This example shows that unbox handles both decryption and verification. To check if parts of the message were signed, make a get_data_signer call on each Literal in the message. Note that the same KeyManager that you loaded into your KeyFetcher shows up here. So if you augment that KeyManager with custom fields, they will be available here.

The KeyFetcher Interface

In a more general decryption/verification scenario, you might need to fetch the appropriate decryption and/or verification keys from secondary or remote storage. In this situation, you shouldn’t use the KeyRing described above, but should instead provide a custom KeyFetcher.

All usable KeyFetchers must implement one method: fetch. Given several PGP key IDs, and a flag specifying which operation is requested, the fetch method should call back with a KeyManager, if it could find one.

fetch(ids,ops,cb) is called with three arguments:

  1. ids — — An array of Buffers, each one containing a 64-bit ID of a PGP key. These keys might refer to subkeys, which are often employed in encrypting and signing messages.
  2. ops — — Which crypto options are required of this key; a bitwise OR of constants from kbpgp.const.ops, which are:
  • encrypt : 0x1
  • decrypt : 0x2
  • verify : 0x4
  • sign : 0x8
  1. cb — — A callback that when done, calls back with a triple: (err,km,i)
  • err is an Error explaining what went wrong, or null on success.
  • km is, in the case of success, a KeyManager that meets the given requirements
  • i is, in the case of success, an integer indiciating which of the keys was found in the lookup. If 0 is returned here, then ids[0] is the 64-bit ID of a key inside km.

Small files & buffers

In most of the examples, we’ve been dealing with string plaintexts and ciphertexts. Of course, sometimes you want to read and write files and convert to interesting strings such as hex or base64.

Recall when we were encrypting, we expected a string for the message:

var params = {
msg: "Chuck chucky, bo-bucky!",
encrypt_for: chuck // a KeyManager instance

In Node.js we can pass a Node.js Buffer instead. This could come from a file. Keep in mind this file’s buffer and output need to fit easily in memory. (For arbitrarily large files, streams will come soon in kbpgp’s future.)

fs.readFile('foo.png', function(err, buff) {
var params = {
msg: buff,
encrypt_for: chuck

In the browser, we have a similar Buffer available, kbpgp.Buffer. It behaves exactly the same as a Node.js buffer, thanks to [native-buffer-browserify]

// using a string as a Buffer, in the browser
var params = {
msg: kbpgp.Buffer.from("Chuck chucky, bo-bucky!"),
encrypt_for: chuck

Outputting buffers

kbpgp’s burn function calls back with both a result_string (armored, when encrypting or signing), and a result_buffer (just raw binary data). The latter is either a Node.js Buffer, as discussed above, or, in the browser, a kbpgp.Buffer.

kbpgp.burn(params, function(err, result_string, result_buffer) {
// etc...
// ...these work in both the browser and Node.js

In the browser, with HTML5

If you want to support file processing in the browser, you can use an HTML5 FileReader and convert a file's contents to a Buffer, right in the client side. Depending on the browser, you'll have memory constraints.

var f = some_html_5_file_object;
var r = new FileReader(); // modern browsers have this
r.onloadend = function(file) {
var buffer = kbpgp.Buffer.from(r.result);
// ... now process it using kbpgp


const fs = require('fs');
const openpgp = require('openpgp');
const async = require('async');
const encryptFuntion = () => {
(a_cb) => {
fs.readFile('pub.asc', 'utf8', (err, pubkey) => {
if (!err) {
a_cb(null, pubkey);
} else {
(pubkey, a_cb) => {
fs.readFile('priv.asc', 'utf8', (err, privkey) => {
if (!err) {
const passphrase = `yourPassphrase`;
let privKeyObj = (await openpgp.key.readArmored(privkey)).keys[0];
await privKeyObj.decrypt(passphrase);
a_cb(null, pubkey, privKeyObj);
} else {
(pubkey, privKeyObj, a_cb) => {
fs.readFile('test.txt', 'utf8', (err, rawMessage) => {
if (!err) {
a_cb(null, pubkey, privKeyObj, rawMessage);
} else {
(pubkey, privKeyObj, message, a_cb) => {
let options = {
message: openpgp.message.fromText(message),
publicKeys: (await openpgp.key.readArmored(pubkey)).keys,
privateKeys: [privKeyObj],
armor: false
.then((ciphertext) => {
a_cb(null, ciphertext);
], (err, ciphertext) => {
if (!err) {
fs.writeFile('test.txt.gpg',, (err) => {
if (!err) {
console.log('Created GPG file!');
} else {
} else {
module.exports = {


const fs = require('fs');
const openpgp = require('openpgp');
const async = require('async');
const decryptFuntion = () => {
(a_cb) => {
fs.readFile('test.txt.gpg', (err, encrypted) => {
if (!err) {
a_cb(null, encrypted);
} else {
(encrypted, a_cb) => {
fs.readFile('pub.asc', 'utf8', (err, pubkey) => {
if (!err) {
a_cb(null, encrypted, pubkey);
} else {
(encrypted, pubkey, a_cb) => {
fs.readFile('priv.asc', 'utf8', (err, privkey) => {
if (!err) {
const passphrase = `yourPassphrase`;
let privKeyObj = (await openpgp.key.readArmored(privkey)).keys[0];
await privKeyObj.decrypt(passphrase);
a_cb(null, encrypted, pubkey, privKeyObj);
} else {
(encrypted, pubkey, privKeyObj, a_cb) => {
let options = {
message: await openpgp.message.readArmored(encrypted),
publicKeys: (await openpgp.key.readArmored(pubkey)).keys,
privateKeys: [privKeyObj]
.then((plaintext) => {
a_cb(null, plaintext);
], (err, plaintext) => {
if (!err) {
fs.writeFile('test-decrypted.txt', plaintext, 'utf8', (err) => {
if (!err) {
console.log('Created txt file!');
} else {
} else {
module.exports = {

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Sayan Mondal
Sayan Mondal

Written by Sayan Mondal

An avid Reader, Full Stack Application Developer, Data Science Enthusiast, and NLP specialist. Write me at

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